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Deep Learning with PyTorch - Ch4 Ch4. Real-world data representation using tensors real-word 데이터를 파이토치에 어떻게 나타낼건지에 대한 내용 Height x Weight x Color였던 이미지파일을 permute로 쉽게 C x H x W로 변환 가능. 이때 img와 out은 같은 torch storage를 본다. 4.3 tabular data one-hot encoding은 다음과 같이 scatter 사용. "모든 행에 대해서, 라벨(target.unsqueeze)을 인덱스로 한 요소를 1.0으로 바꿔라" unsqueeze는 보다싶이 차원을 하나 올린다. (n) tensor가 (n x 1) tensor가 되는 셈 4.4 시계열 생략.. 4.5 Representing Text (텍스트의 .. 2022. 3. 18.
Deep Learning with PyTorch - ~Ch3 Ch1. Why PyTorch 1.3.1 The deep learning competitive landscape 2017년) - pytorch 베타 릴리즈 - TensorFlow는 low-level 라이브러리로 사용 - Keras는 TensorFlow의 high-level Wrapper 2019년) - PyTorch Caffe2를 백엔드로 흡수. ONNX 자체 지원 TorchScript cnrk - TensorFlow Keras 흡수, first-class API로 제공 1.4 Overview of how PyTorch supports DL projects pytorch는 C++과 CUDA프로그래밍 된 부분이 있음. PyTorch를 C++기반으로 바로 실행시키는 방법 ch15에 소개. tensor의 연산.. 2022. 3. 16.
What is Encryption at Rest https://brightlineit.com/encryption-at-rest-important-business/ What Is Encryption at Rest, and Why Is It Important for Your Business? – Brightline Technologies Encryption at rest is a key protection against a data breach. Ask any business owner and they’ll tell you their number one digital security risk is a data breach. The recent ransomware attacks show that cyber terrorism becoming more and .. 2022. 3. 2.
How To Protect Data in Flight (TLS) https://www.globalknowledge.com/us-en/resources/resource-library/articles/how-to-protect-data-in-flight/#gref How To Protect Data in Flight Accessing cloud-based resources, whether they be IaaS/PaaS/SaaS-based, is very convenient. With a browser and Internet connection, you are up and running. No driving to your work office, no need to log into the corporate network. Just open up your web brow w.. 2022. 3. 2.